Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây
Dong Nai signs cooperation agreement with Gyeongnam Province, South Korea

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - On the afternoon of May 2nd, a delegation from the leadership of Gyeongnam Province, South Korea, led by Governor Park Wan Soo, visited and worked in Dong Nai. Mr. Nguyen Hong Linh, Central Committee member of the Party and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, chaired the meeting with the delegation. 


Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Hong Linh gave a welcoming speech to the Gyeongnam Provincial Government Leadership Delegation - photo by Khac Gioi  

Also present at the meeting were Mr. Thai Bao, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Vo Tan Duc, Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Mr. Huynh Thanh Binh, Chairman of the Provincial Party Inspection Committee and Vietnam - South Korea Friendship Association; Mr. Mai Van Hien, Chairman of People's Committee of Thong Nhat district; Mr. Le Anh Duc, Rector of Dong Nai University, along with representatives from the provincial departments and agencies. 


Mr. Park Wan Soo - Governor of Gyeongnam Province spoke at the working session - photo by Khac Gioi 

Effectively implementing activities
In his welcoming speech, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Hong Linh expressed his pleasure in receiving the delegation and highly appreciated the attention of the leadership of Gyeongnam Province, South Korea, especially Governor Park Wan Soo, for visiting and working in the province. 


Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc and Governor Park Wan Soo proceed to sign the Supplementary Agreement on Enhanced Cooperation - Photo by Khac Gioi 

In Dong Nai province, there are currently 46 countries and territories involved in investment activities with a total of over 1,600 projects and a registered capital of $34.65 billion. Among them, South Korea leads in terms of the number of projects and total FDI capital invested in the province, with 421 projects and a total capital of $7.26 billion. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee highly appreciates the success and contributions of Korean enterprises to the local budget and job creation for over 171,000 workers. Notable projects include Hyosung Vietnam Co., Ltd., Hyosung Dong Nai Co., Ltd., Posco VST Co., Ltd., Chang Shin Vietnam Co., Ltd., Hwaseung Vina Co., Ltd., and TKG Taekwang Vina Joint Stock Company. 


Mr. Le Anh Duc, Rector of Dong Nai University, and Mr. Kim Jae Gu, Principal of Geochang Geological University, sign the Memorandum of Agreement on Workforce Training - Photo by Khac Gioi 

Dong Nai province has signed 9 Memoranda of Understanding and international cooperation agreements at the provincial level, as well as 21 Memoranda of Understanding and international cooperation agreements at the departmental level with Korean partners and localities. Among them, the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation with the Gyeongnam Province government of South Korea was signed in 1996. In recent years, the two localities have effectively implemented various activities and cooperation programs, such as exchanging officials between the two provinces, developing human resources training, organizing conferences and seminars on investment and trade with Korean enterprises in the province, and cultural exchanges. The Friendship Association between Vietnam and South Korea was established in 2016 and has been actively involved in strengthening and nurturing the friendly cooperation between Dong Nai province and Korean localities, as well as with the Korean community living and working in Dong Nai. 


Mr. Le Anh Duc, Rector of Dong Nai University, and Mr. Kim Jae Gu, Principal of Geochang Geological University, sign the Memorandum of Agreement on Workforce Training - Photo by Khac Gioi 

Speaking at the working session, Mr. Park Wan Soo, Governor of Gyeongnam Province, South Korea, expressed his gratitude to the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the leaders of Dong Nai province for their warm reception. He highly appreciated the province's economic and social development achievements, as well as the fruitful friendly cooperation between Dong Nai and Gyeongnam over the past 28 years. He hoped that the cooperative relationship between the two localities would continue to thrive in various fields. 


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Hong Linh presents a souvenir gift to Governor of Gyeongnam Province 

Signing of Three Cooperation Agreements  
During the working session, the Supplementary Agreement on Enhanced Cooperation between the People's Committee of Dong Nai province and the Government of Gyeongnam Province, the Agreement on Cooperative Labor Exchange for Seasonal Work between the People's Committee of Thong Nhat district and Geochang District, and the Memorandum of Agreement between Dong Nai University and Gyeongnam Geochang University were signed. 


Chairman of the People's Committee Vo Tan Duc presents a souvenir gift to the Governor of Gyeongnam Province - Photo by Khac Gioi 

Mr. Koo In Mo, District Chief of Geochang, stated that in South Korea, the population is declining rapidly, leading to a shortage of labor, especially in the agricultural sector during the harvest season. Therefore, the cooperation in seasonal labor exchange is a significant support in addressing the shortage of seasonal agricultural labor in Geochang District. Currently, Geochang has developed the "Smart Farm" model. Through this cooperation, laborers from Thong Nhat district will receive support in professional and technical training in agriculture. 


Provincial leaders and departments take a commemorative photo with the delegation from the Government of Gyeongnam Province after the signing ceremony - Photo by Khac Gioi 

Regarding the cooperation between the two universities, Gyeongnam Geochang University will support Dong Nai University in establishing a Korean language department, provide teaching assistance and train Korean language instructors, as well as facilitate student and faculty exchanges... 

Hoang Anh

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

Number of visits



Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Address: No. 02 Nguyen Van Tri, Thanh Binh ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
Phone: (0251).3847292.
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