Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây
National movement of advancing into the field of science and technology is proving to be effective

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - In 2023, more than 300 organizations and individuals in the province were awarded certificates and commendations by the Organizing Committee of the Initiative and Creativity Program in Labor and Learning; the competition for Excellent Farmers applying scientific and technological advancements to agriculture production; the competition for Excellent Teachers applying information technology in teaching; the Science and Technology Communication Award; and the Intellectual Property Law Competition. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the national movement of advancing into the field of science and technology.

Continuous innovation and creativity

Mr. Tran Van Muoi, from Cay Xoai hamlet, Tan An commune, Vinh Cuu district, is one of the exemplary individuals honored in Dong Nai province in 2024. He is a pioneer in the application of technology in agricultural production.

Mr. Muoi shared that in the past, he struggled to find and hire people to take care of his 10-hectare pomelo orchard. However, since the end of 2021, the orchard only requires 10 workers. The most strenuous and labor-intensive tasks are now carried out by an unmanned aerial vehicle worth nearly 600 million VND, which he invested in.

"Before applying technology, tasks such as spraying pesticides and applying fertilizers to the pomelo orchard required a lot of manpower, with low efficiency and potential risks to health, soil quality, and groundwater. After thorough research, I decided to purchase an unmanned aerial vehicle to reduce labor, costs, time, and effort, while ensuring safety and health," Mr. Muoi said.  


Effective use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture 

In addition to using unmanned aerial vehicles, Mr. Muoi also developed herbal pesticides and organic fertilizers to care for his pomelo orchard. With the assistance of science, technology, and a determined spirit of innovation in production, his orchard now yields 25-30 tons per hectare, resulting in a profit of 400 million VND per hectare after deducting expenses.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Cong Chinh (Binh Xuan 2 hamlet, Xuan Phu commune, Xuan Loc district) achieved success with his self-made seed trimming machine. This solution won first prize in the competition for Excellent Farmers applying scientific and technological advancements to agriculture in Dong Nai province in 2023.

Mr. Chinh shared that he was determined to create a seed trimming machine to free himself, his family members, and fellow farmers from labor-intensive work. The machine can trim seeds of various sizes on different terrains. Every day, the machine can trim more than 1 hectare of land, equivalent to the work of about 10 manual laborers over 2 days, with almost absolute accuracy. This ensures the health of farmers, increases labor productivity, and reduces seed planting time compared to before.

Valuable research projects
To make use of readily available medicinal resources and develop products for the treatment of cough, phlegm, respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, authors Nguyen Viet Cuong and Vo Van Lanh (Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University) conducted research, extraction, and formulation to create an orally dissolving film containing Moringa oleifera leaf extract. This is one of the 43 projects that received the Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award in 2022.

Mr. Nguyen Viet Cuong stated that the research team meticulously studied the relevant information on Moringa oleifera leaves and conducted numerous experiments to produce a standardized product. The orally dissolving film is a thin polymer film, water-soluble, containing active ingredients, and is placed in the oral cavity. The film adheres and dissolves in the oral cavity, releasing the active ingredients, which are quickly absorbed through the oral mucosa without the need for water.

This product has the potential to develop in the pharmaceutical and functional food markets, making medication use simpler and more convenient for children.

Meanwhile, at Ngo Quyen Secondary School in Long Khanh City, Mr. Vu Son Lam, a physical education teacher, has been fostering scientific and technological creativity among his students. The school's Science and Technology Club, founded by Mr. Lam, has attracted many students who have successfully created highly applicable products, such as improving a manual wheelchair into a sweeping wheelchair and a knowledge chessboard. Mr. Lam also regularly teaches his students how to protect the environment by recycling plastics to create colorful bricks used for decorating library, bookshelves, flower pots, tables, and chairs…


Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Nguyen Thi Hoang, along with leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, visited the booths at Tech mart Dong Nai 2023. 

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Nguyen Thi Hoang, highly appreciates the efforts and achievements in scientific research and the application of science and technology in the lives of the people in the province. The thousands of individuals and groups participating in science and technology movements and competitions each year demonstrate the strong attraction and importance of science and technology for local socio-economic development.

"Whether it's the simple inventions of students or the complex structures of machines created by teachers, farmers, officials, or employees, they all aim to empower individuals to master technology and take control of their lives, especially in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is rapidly advancing," emphasized Vice Chairman Nguyen Thi Hoang. ​

Bao Ngoc

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

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Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
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