Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây
Xuan Loc District Achieves and Surpasses Many Assigned Economic and Social Targets

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - On the afternoon of July 11, Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc chaired a meeting on the economic, social development, and national defense-security results for the first six months of 2024 in Xuan Loc district. 


Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc gave directives at the meeting. 

According to the report of the Xuan Loc District People's Committee, in the first six months of 2024, budget revenue reached over VND 207 billion, achieving 61.9% of the estimate; budget expenditure was over VND 645 billion, reaching more than 51.6% of the plan. Agricultural-forestry production; industry, handicrafts, trade-services all increased compared to the same period in 2023.

The cultural and social sectors continued to develop; social security policies; preferential policies for policy families, and people with meritorious services continued to be implemented in a synchronized manner. Disease prevention and control, and public health care were given attention. The locality focused on investing in modernizing equipment and solidifying schools and classrooms, contributing to the development of classroom scale, meeting teaching and learning requirements.

Administrative reform work was regularly directed. Regarding security-defense, the locality successfully fulfilled 100% of the assigned military conscription targets. Crime prevention work showed positive changes and achieved many important results; anti-corruption, waste prevention, and thrift practices were implemented according to regulations.

At the meeting, Chairman of the Xuan Loc District People's Committee Nguyen Thi Cat Tien proposed that the Provincial People's Committee support funding for urban beautification projects in Gia Ray, including roads in the district center, beautification of 9-4 Park, and sidewalks on Le Duan-Nguyen Van Cu streets. The Provincial People's Committee should consider allocating capital to invest in DT 766 roads; the road around Chua Chan Mountain; and repairing and upgrading Soc Ba Buong road.

Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc highly appreciated the growth in the fields of industry, trade-services, and agriculture; budget revenue and expenditure were well-achieved; other fields also showed many positive and clear changes. The locality also performed well in building the local administration and digital transformation; security and order were ensured... However, the locality still faced some limitations and difficulties such as low public investment disbursement compared to assigned targets; the effectiveness of building large fields and linkage chains was not clear... 


Chairman of the Xuan Loc District People's Committee Nguyen Thi Cat Tien reported at the meeting. 

In the remaining months of the year, the locality needs to strive harder to achieve the set goals and tasks. For the goal of building a new model rural district, the locality needs to continue restructuring the agricultural sector, promoting the application of scientific and technical advances in production, building linkage chains from production to consumption associated with deep processing of key local agricultural products; pay attention to building strong agricultural brands, especially OCOP products associated with garden tourism development, and organic-oriented agricultural production models. Particularly, attract investors in eco-tourism, especially tourism projects in Chua Chan Mountain, Nui Le Lake, and planned tourism projects of the district. Promote rural beautification, build model residential areas, and model gardens, ensuring a bright, green, clean, and beautiful rural environment. 


Mr. Nguyen Kim Phuoc, Head of the Economic - Budget Committee of the Provincial People's Council, attended the meeting. 

Acting Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc requested that the locality strengthen the inspection of environmental issues in livestock farming, handle and relocate livestock farming facilities within residential areas causing environmental pollution according to regulations. Accelerate the implementation of clean water supply projects in the area to achieve the target of the proportion of households using centralized clean water by 2025. Have policies to attract businesses to invest, especially in agriculture and rural areas. In particular, address difficulties, remove obstacles, overcome procedural overlaps in public investment, and improve the quality of support and guidance in implementing public investment projects, ensuring the effective use of capital. Pay attention to disbursing public investment according to commitments. Ensure budget revenue and expenditure are collected correctly, sufficiently, and achieve the set targets for 2024, and minimize unnecessary expenditures.​

Focus on improving the capacity of the team of officials and civil servants; promote administrative reform and digital transformation; ensure discipline and order as well as increase the sense of responsibility of the staff; allocate time to meet citizens as required; listen, dialogue, and promptly address citizens' petitions, avoiding prolonged complaints and lawsuits causing public frustration. 

Song Le

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

Number of visits



Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
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