Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
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Workers Elated with Wage Increase from Early July

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - As of July 1, 2024, the minimum regional wage increase of 6% is bringing joy and excitement to workers in the province. The wage increase will help alleviate difficulties for workers, encouraging them to be more productive. 


An increase in salary raises workers’ morale​

Sharing Difficulties with Workers

Mrs. Dao Thi Hinh (from An Giang province) has been a worker in Dong Nai for over three years. After her shift, she helps her husband sell duck eggs at the Hoa An market (Bien Hoa city) to earn extra income. Hinh shared that her husband has been unemployed since the beginning of 2024 and has switched to freelance selling, while she continues to work in garment manufacturing for a fashion processing company with a meager salary of nearly 5 million VND per month. The couple has to be frugal to cover rental and living expenses.

"With a low worker income, life is precarious, and my husband and I sent our child back to our hometown during the summer of 2023 for the grandparents to take care of. Since the beginning of the year, my husband's duck egg sales have barely made any profit. Sometimes, unsold eggs hatch, leading to losses. In May, I had to be frugal and bought an air conditioner on installment to preserve the eggs longer, hoping to sell them at a better price. When I heard about the wage increase, I was very happy. Although the increase is not much, for workers, any additional amount is precious," Hinh shared.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Luan, a wood production worker in Thanh Phu commune (Vinh Cuu district), said: "The wage increase made me and many workers very happy, but it needs to be monitored for market prices because it will lead to price increases in various goods such as food, consumer goods, and services. Therefore, we still have to cut expenses to make ends meet."

Efforts to Negotiate Wages for Workers
According to Decree 74/2024/ND-CP on regional minimum wages, from July 1, workers under contract will be subject to the new regional minimum wage. In Dong Nai, it is determined by region depending on the area. Specifically, Bien Hoa city, Long Khanh city, and the districts of Nhon Trach, Long Thanh, Vinh Cuu, Trang Bom, Xuan Loc, and Thong Nhat belong to region 1, with a minimum wage of 4.96 million VND per person per month (an increase of 280,000 VND). The districts of Dinh Quan, Tan Phu, and Cam My belong to region 2, with a minimum wage of 4.41 million VND per person per month (an increase of 250,000 VND per month).

To ensure the wage increase is implemented correctly and workers' rights are protected, the Provincial Labor Federation has directed its levels to intensify labor law consultation activities, proactively engage in collective bargaining to agree on wages and working conditions that are more favorable to workers than the legal provisions.

Additionally, there is a need to proactively understand the thoughts and aspirations of workers, provide timely support, guidance, and resolve arising issues to minimize labor disputes and maintain harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations. Moreover, Union officials must enhance their role in fostering solidarity between workers and employers, negotiating wage increase plans, and encouraging workers to share with businesses still facing difficulties with orders.

In recent days, grassroots Union officials have made efforts to negotiate with employers to increase wages to the stipulated level or higher to support workers. Nguyen Minh Tam, Chairman of the Union at Pou Phong Vietnam Company Ltd. (Trang Bom district), stated that the company currently employs over 850 workers. In early July, the Union successfully negotiated with the company's leadership to increase wages for workers, thereby providing motivation for workers to focus on production.

Tam also noted: "It is encouraging that, besides the wage increase, workers have had consistent employment in the first half of 2024 due to ample orders. The company is currently recruiting an additional 1,000 workers to meet production needs from now until the end of the year. There are also many benefits to retain workers and enhance labor productivity."

At the beginning of 2024, some businesses with a large workforce in the province increased wages for workers by 150,000-200,000 VND per person per month. Currently, although production orders are not as abundant as before, businesses indicate they will balance finances and adjust wages for workers as per regulations. The new wage will be paid to workers in early August 2024. 

Phong Lan

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

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Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Address: No. 02 Nguyen Van Tri, Thanh Binh ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
Phone: (0251).3847292.
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