Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây
Jeollanam Province Delegation from South Korea Visits and Works in Dong Nai

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - On June 21, Vice Chairwoman of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Hoang, along with leaders of various departments and the Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association of the province, received the delegation from Jeollanam Province, South Korea, led by Mr. Myung Chang Hwan, Deputy Governor of Jeollanam Province, during their visit and working session in Dong Nai. 


Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Hoang presented a souvenir to Deputy Governor Myung Chang Hwan. 

The purpose of this visit is to further strengthen the relationship between Vietnam and South Korea in general, and to enhance the cooperative and friendly relations between Dong Nai Province and Jeollanam Province in particular, based on the content of the cooperation Letter of Intent signed between Dong Nai and Jeollanam provinces.

Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Hoang briefed the delegation on the socio-economic background of the province and the attraction of foreign investment. Specifically, Dong Nai has 39 industrial parks planned with an area of over 18,517 hectares, of which 33 industrial parks have been established, with 31 currently in operation, achieving 85.85% of the land leased. The remaining land area in the industrial parks is ready to welcome investors.

Regarding foreign investment attraction, the province currently has investment activities from 46 countries and territories with a total of 1,652 projects valued at $34.61 billion. Among these, South Korea leads in terms of the number of projects and total investment capital, with 415 projects worth $7.3 billion. South Korean-invested projects operate stably, contributing significantly to the local budget and creating jobs for over 170,000 workers.

In terms of international cooperation, the province has signed 11 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and provincial-level international cooperation agreements, and 22 department-level MoUs and agreements with Korean localities and partners.

Dong Nai Province, part of the southern key economic region, is about 30 km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City. By 2026, when Long Thanh International Airport is operational, Dong Nai will boast all five modes of transportation: road, air, rail, inland waterway, and international maritime, facilitating strong economic development in the locality. 


An overview of the meeting 

During the meeting, the delegation introduced Jeollanam Province. Jeollanam is a major economic center of South Korea with strengths in industries such as shipbuilding, global energy hubs, space launch vehicle industrial clusters, next-generation semiconductors, advanced biotechnology, global data center clusters, agriculture, fisheries, and tourism. Deputy Governor Myung Chang Hwan expressed Jeollanam's desire to promote cooperation with Dong Nai in new energy fields, renewable energy, offshore wind ​energy, solar energy, and to expand and promote cooperation in economic fields, tourism, and youth exchange programs for cultural and language training.

At the meeting, Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Hoang also shared the results of the recent working visit to South Korea in April and thanked the Jeollanam provincial government for their hospitality. Dong Nai Province plans to send two personnel to participate in the Asian regional international exchange program in Jeollanam at the invitation of the Jeollanam Province. The Vice Chairwoman hopes that through this visit, the delegation will have the opportunity to learn more about Dong Nai's potential and strengths, thereby enhancing connections and cooperation activities between Dong Nai and Jeollanam provinces in the future. 

Hoang Anh

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

Number of visits



Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Address: No. 02 Nguyen Van Tri, Thanh Binh ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
Phone: (0251).3847292.
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