Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
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Plus Corporation feels optimistic about investing in Vietnam

(News Portal – Dong Nai) - With an optimistic and confident feeling, 35 years ago, Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi, Chairman of Plus Corporation (Japan) chose Vietnam as an investment destination and selected Dong Nai province as where the factory would be located to expand production scale. Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi shared that he is very satisfied with this decision and continues to have new investment ideas.

Exponential growth

Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi said that about 35 years ago, many Japanese businesses chose to invest in China because this was a major market. However, he decided to invest in Vietnam because he had a hunch about Vietnam's future development. He also saw the intelligence, diligence and honesty of Vietnamese workers. At that time, Plus was the 4th Japanese company investing in Vietnam.

Regarding the reason for choosing to locate the factory in Dong Nai, Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi said that through research on geographical location and trade issues, he found that Dong Nai is close to Ho Chi Minh City and has many advantages for development.


Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi, Chairman of Plus Corporation (2nd from left) visits the manufacturing factory in Dong Nai province 

From just a factory with 100 workers, now Plus Vietnam Industry Co., Ltd. has 2 factories located in Bien Hoa City and Nhon Trach district with more than 2.2 thousand workers. The factory's revenue continuously increases each year. Income, life, and welfare benefits of employees are guaranteed.

Plus Vietnam Industrial Co., Ltd currently has more than 2.2 thousand workers 

In 2023, Plus Corporation's total revenue worldwide is about 300 billion yen (equivalent to 49,953 billion VND), specializing in the following fields: distribution business, stationery business, domestic business, furniture and logistics services.

Currently, automation activities are being promoted in factories. The goal that Plus Corporation aims for is that the factory in Vietnam will become the largest high-quality stationery factory in the Corporation body.

Aiming for the top 3 largest stationery manufacturing companies in the world  

Sharing about future plans, Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi said that the goal in the next 5 years was that Plus Corporation would be in the top 3 largest stationery manufacturing companies in the world. This requires factories in Vietnam to double their revenue.  

To do that, factories in Dong Nai must change towards automation, not only manufacturing but also planning, researching, designing and manufacturing products to meet the requirements of the increasingly demanding market. In addition to regular stationery product lines, Plus Corporation will create tools and instruments to support creativity and artistic work.

On the other hand, Plus Corporation will also promote domestic sales in the Vietnamese market; looking for more makers to join the corporation. At the same time, they will organize business trips to send employees from the Vietnamese factories to the corporation's facilities around the world (including 46 domestic and foreign companies in Japan with a total of more than 8.1 thousand employees) to further improve the international character of Plus Corporation as well as the professional qualifications and skills of employees in Vietnam.


Awarding Plus scholarships to help students in Dong Nai province going to school in 2023 

Not only interested in production and business issues, Plus Corporation is also very interested in social and charity activities in the locality where the business is located.

Over the past 10 years, Plus Vietnam has awarded thousands of Plus – Steps to School scholarships to elementary school students who have difficult circumstances but have good academic achievements and well-behave in localities in Dong Nai province.

Mr. Yoshihisa Imaizumi emphasized: "We decided to award scholarships to elementary school students because these are the future generations of Vietnam. Through this activity, we want to encourage the children's spirit of learning, overcoming difficulties, and striving for a brighter future. This is also our way of expressing gratitude to Vietnam for accompanying and supporting Plus Corporation to grow stronger." ​

Viet Anh

Atlas of Dong Nai Province

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Managing agency: Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Main responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Kim Long - Chief of Office of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee.
Address: No. 02 Nguyen Van Tri, Thanh Binh ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
Phone: (0251).3847292.
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