Chenla kingdom culture AngCo. - after Oc Eo culture and traces
Between the sixth century , a man named Chitrasena Bassac ( South Laos ) is a state of Funan kingdom emerged annexed the kingdom of Funan Chenla up . Also during this period the sea cyclical Holoxen IV , flood plains in the south sea . Residents ancient Oc Eo gradually over the course of high land along rivers and streams . The capital Chendla play in the Tonle Sap ( Great Lake ) . Oc Eo port is no longer standing , moving about the Strait of Malacca and the East Coast - South Xumatra ( Indonesia ) . This reflects the archaeological ruins of historical periods were found in small quantities in the Mekong Delta region that focus on ancient alluvial areas along the West - North Delta South .
Architectural relics at Oc Eo B symbols and architectural monuments in Morocco Lemon ( Long An ) is defined in the V century - VI AD, can be considered a form of temples architecture is the first to Oc Eo culture connection - Oc Eo post . There are also ruins of Prasat Preah Theat Toc ancient ruins of Angkor Banteay Prei province of Kompong Cham ( Cambodia ) and architectural symbols architectural N19 in Sambor Prei Kus in Isanapura Citadel , Province Of String ( Kampuchea ) dating from the sixth century onwards , is considered the last communication architecture Funan Chenla head . This type of architecture is the scientific term called " architecture has the " ( multi-tier architecture ) . Architecture has to be detected quite common in Cambodia in the seventh century - VIII , is typical architectural That Prasat Thom , Prak Bayang Pray Ven province ( Cambodia ) . Body architectural monument towers , wrapped around a water jar at the door or may origin Semun river downstream ( east central Thailand today) . Where the original settlers of Chenla community . There are monuments Vat Phu Lai Rong started up from the fifth century AD . This type of architecture became kind of Chenla tradition . In the process of territorial expansion to the west and south , conquered Funan in sixth century AD, Chan Lap residents continue to develop this kind of traditional architecture lakes and successor , combined techniques multiprocessor architecture of Funan . Architectural style towers - lakes mainly distributed on Cambodian territory today . Mekong Delta and Dong Nai river basin is almost no form of this architecture and the characteristics of its components .
Dong Nai on land type architectural monuments of this period are widely distributed in rocky Lak and Nam Cat Tien ( Tan Phu ) , Suoi that sync , Bau Sen ( Eternal ) , Rach East ( unified ) , Ben Wood , Go Buong ( Long List ) and many relics in Bien Hoa area . The monument was built quite far apart but share a common architectural style with the scheme of simple squares , monuments own map Go chamber rectangular bottle but rather late dating . Monuments are two structural parts: the positive uses brick towers , narrow towards the top of the roof to create music for the church is the grave , usually straight wall columns not create false , false door , at mi door , on the door sculpture more details . Software is often built vented negative square brick church with stone monuments based on the natural world as vented perforated church ( Da Lak , Bau Sen ) . In a graveside statue or parts of objects , sacred piece of carved gold , agate gemstones . These artifacts include pieces of gold metal depict turtles, leopard , male god ( Rach East ) is the sacred character often seen in relics temples , sacred wells tomb tower of Oc Eo culture in the South . Relics of gemstones, glass beads are made of red agate stone ( Comaline ) , a different beads made of glass in black and white called multicolor beads ( Poly Chrome ) . This type beads originating from the oven imported manufactured in multicolored beads Kamedu Ari ( this is Pondi Chery ) southeast India TV in Peninsular Malaysia , Southern Thailand , Southern coast . Orange glass beads , white quartz grains . These relics gemstones, glass can be used as jewelry but with paucity , the church found in the grave . Maybe they are the sacred objects buried in architecture . All around there are major architectural works .
The cave monuments dating from about the tenth century - XI AD . Relics found in many types of tile back , sit ups , eight points ahead tile , roof tile has pointed tip . This type of roof architecture was first known in the region . It is probably a terracotta tile establishments catering to the structures in the region . These tiles are Western scientists called Khmer ceramics , originating from the Street - Sung China . The tiles here are differentially expressed with different types of tile , as are locally produced . Can generally be modeled after the Khmer Angkor tile co.
Type of architectural monuments temples Hindu temples format - at Dong Nai Hindu period is quite simple , it is still characterized Oc Eo culture . You can call the post- Oc Eo culture . When Funan Chenla takeovers , capital plays in the Tonle Sap ( Great Lake ) is quite remote , Dong Nai land should not affect Chendla culture that continues to develop architectural style Oc Eo .
Pottery found in ruins and Dong Nai river from isle to Ben Wood Turtles usually smooth bone , manipulated digital turntable , simple decorations . Typically the trunk type Kendy warm , balanced shape , flared mouth , high neck , rounded body , very nice low base , is quite common to find in the ruins Oc Eo in the Mekong Delta and images gold leaf is depicted on the tomb relics have said ( An Giang ) . In addition there are many types of ceramic wood , ceramics , pottery relatively unspoiled culture of several stages , but most of the culture period Ang late ( XII century - XIII ) and Khmer - Thai ( XIV century - XV ) . They include many species that are typical of the jars means , mean taps , taper lock high , invisible , large jars , decorated with simple , brown enamelled black . Pottery was probably imported to the Kingdom of Thailand Ang and flourished in the twelfth century - XV and expand trade in Southeast Asia . Pottery is widely used in the country and exported to the peninsula, Thailand , Malaysia , Trowulan , capital Majapakit ( Indonesia ) and the lower Dong Nai . Dong Nai river is still time trade routes between areas .
After Chenla kingdom formed along the sea cycle , Chendla can not use the old capital of Funan was , so to move the capital of the Tonle Sap ( Great Lake ) . Dong Nai residents living in that time moved to higher ground along the line of rivers, streams and Chendla divided by the Mekong River delta submerged in sea water . So hard to put Chendla management system on this land . Furthermore, according to historical documents Chendla the VIII century feudal corporations Chendla conflict , divide the territory into two parts sand just " half north hills and valleys known as Lu Chan Lap , half the male Strait and surrounding marshes known as Water Chenla " . Taking advantage of divisions Chenla Kingdom of Srivijaya Sailendra dynasty in Java expansionist forces Chendla annexation . Then , a prince named Chendla descended king Jayavarman II Funan old soldiers are brought about unified Java Cards - Luc Chendla bring the country out of Srivijaya dependence , co -founder of Angkor dynasty 802 , east longitude in the waters of the Tonle Sap and strengthening border forces open carry Menam valley until the mid eleventh century AD . The battle raged between the century -long two Chenla Kingdom - Cham makes intrinsic weakness . Between the thirteenth century Mongol invasion army in Southeast Asia , most countries affected Indian cultural influence in the region . Kingdom of Thailand formation and development in the fourteenth century - XV , always bring Chendla military invasion , forcing the capital moved to Phnom Penh in the first half of the fifteenth century .
History research of archaeological monuments on land in Dong Nai said the type of architecture of Hindu temples Oc Eo culture can post items per square structure , simple structures , cultural traditions influence Oc Eo . And Ang money culture ( Chan Lap ) with the architectural monuments temples inherited the tradition of Oc Eo , the plan has square , the most developed ( multi-storey ) with many complex components and lakes combined . In Dong Nai until the tenth century ( Go Buong monument ) found new types of lakes but the plan rectangular architecture . It became the first traditions Oc Eo BC .
Thus, the architectural monuments of Hindu temples - Hindu residents of Dong Nai that time always developed on the basis of Oc Eo cultural traditions inherited cultural traditions to form Ang culture native might call post- Oc Eo culture .
Relics found in the church most of the objects , sacred objects Hindu - Hindu that two popular cult of Vishnu and Shiva . See XII century Buddha statues appear , but style remains influential Hindu god statue .
Mekong River Delta and nearby sea has grown two religions : Hinduism and Buddhism . Hindu sects with two Shiva and Vishnu , worship is quite diverse as common worship three gods Vishnu , Shiva , Brahma and Vishnu , Shiva , Hari - Hara , worship of Surya ( the sun god ) . Especially in the form of Shiva Linga - Yoni , Mukha - Linga , Nandin . The two sects of Buddhism Mahayana and Theravada Buddha statue and Quan Yin .
Art teacher statuary two round of Vishnu and Shiva in Dong Nai is quite diverse , including the iconic Vishnu art is somewhat richer . Typically salvaged Vishnu statue beneath the Dong Nai River is considered religious art product on the type of beautiful and rare objects in collections round the neck in the southern delta . Monuments bearing the stamp of artistic styles Phnom Da - Angkor Borei co ( Ta Keo - Cambodia ) but has elliptically scaffolds reveal circular object shapes . The other relics of a body buried in the Vishnu statue monument also shows ingenuity remove the object dependencies to increase mighty charismatic authority .
Compare artistic styles , techniques sculpting with Vishnu statue was discovered in the Mekong Delta in the southeastern Cambodia and we can speculate : At this time there are two centers carrying two traditional statuary different . A center on land southeast Cambodia Phnom Da style statuary tradition tall , slender , soft body , sleek , sophisticated frame racks . A central eastern coast of the Mekong Delta Phnom Da style but traditional small statuary low , muscular body , charisma brave , simple scaffolds , this style is common in the Dong Nai .
Shiva sect also find a variety of worship . Ganesa statues found in the Bien Hoa were carved legged posture sitting Indian-style , heliotrope wrapped around the abdomen . And Ganesa statues in the Mekong Delta almost carved standing posture resembles the style Ganesa statues postpartum period Oc Eo ; vice versa statuary sitting cross-legged posture is common in the art of Champa statue .
Ganesa statues can be manipulated in Dong Nai in place and combine two art style post- Oc Eo - Champa . And the object Yoni - Linga expression quite realistic , rustic primitives in the form of traditional Oc Eo culture .
From the tenth century onwards the gods statues , bronze statues and Ganesa Shakyamuni Buddha style art Three banners ( Ang ) . Many other relics brought Oc Eo tradition . Especially script inscriptions Go kiosk Sanskrit , ancient Khmer letters not found . The tiles are manufactured on the spot to bring the Khmer tradition . Carry traditional pottery and imported ceramic Oc Eo Khmer - Thai .
Generally Oc Eo culture in Dong Nai is constantly developing and forming post- Oc Eo culture that lasted for nearly 10 centuries . After it acquired the neighboring cultures but still keep Oc Eo culture and development foundation formed indigenous culture distinct aspects .